The book of Agile for executives

Within the DACH30 network of Lean/Agile Coaches in enterprise organisations we had the need to explain the concepts on a different level. We wanted to write a summary suitable for reading during a travel or just a weekend. The abstract focuses on the needs of executives allowing him to better understand Lean/Agile teams. The core information about why and how to achieve such an organisation is explained. In a simplistic way the essential aspects of the structures and success factors is are described in details.

Now we are releasing the version 2.0 of the book after positive feedback from many executives in our own organisations. The graphics and content is reused in internal presentations and many other internal publications so far. With this release we open the book to a bigger crowed as we are releasing it under the CC BY NC SA 4.0 licence.

What you will get?

One of our executives said after reading:

This was so easy to read I just had to do it over the weekend. And now I finally understand what you had been talking about the whole time.

In 7 main chapters we start with the why and end with success factors we have observed in the enterprise organisations we are working in. You will get an unique knowledge and inside through the authors that are in organisations such as Allianz Deutschland AG, BASF Business Services, borisgloger consulting, Continental AG – ADC Automotive Distance Control Systems, DB Regio, DB Systel, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Telekom, EnBW Energie Baden-Württenberg, improuv, Infineon Technologies, Otto, Post CH, REWE Digital, REWE Group, Robert Bosch, Siemens.

For me this is one of a special kind of peers sharing the same mindset and needs. This is why my personal contribution was without question. Today we are using this book in various aspects and integrate it in any kind of leadership training to provide knowledge.

(Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
Dieses Werk ist lizenziert unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 4.0 International Lizenz.)

Image sources

  • the_information_lock: © Alex Kempkens | All Rights Reserved